A study was performed on the STC-1 cell line, derived from the small intestine of mice. A very low dose of Slimpro® was incubated and had amplified the hormone signal (satiating effect) increasing CCK and GLP-1 secretion.
In another study performed for a two week period, rats were given a preload orogastric administration(tube feeding) dose containing Slimpro® and the placebo group was given water. Results showed a diminution of food intake with dose-effect and were correlated to an increase of the CCK and GLP-1 plasma levels. Moreover, there was a light decrease in the body weight gain.
In the pre-clinical, 15 overweight women were selected to perform a two week pilot study consuming 1 gram of SlimPro® encapsulated, twice daily. According to the Visual Analogue Scale, they reported their sensations of fullness. Afterwards, they tested the kinetic effect of SlimPro® after a standard breakfast on food intake. There was a significant difference between the Slimpro® group and Placebo group concerning sweet hunger and glycemia.
Fish protein shows appetite suppression, weight management potential
Fish protein could provide basis for new wave of functional foods